Metrópolis griega ortodoxa de Chicago
Nueva ubicacion
10050 Ivanhoe Ave
Schiller Park, IL 60176
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
10050 Ivanhoe Ave
Schiller Park, IL 60176
Church Office Hours
Tel: 773-622-5979 Fax: 773-622-5980
Transfiguration of Our Savior
Elmwood Cemetery
2905 North Thatcher Road
River Grove, IL 60171
(Funeral Services and Saturday Services to start May 6th)
Clergy and Team
Fr. Methodios
Staff and Support
Parish Secretary: Maria Rigas
Chanter: Vasili Deligiannis
Chanter: Peter Malamis
Parish Council
President: James Lakerdas
Vice President: George "Africa" Katsambas
Treasurer: William Justiz
Stanley Andreakis
Dimitris Dandilidis
Dimitri Haleas
Peter Kapelouzos
Mihalis Karanikolas
Juande Lara
Kyriakos Pontikes
Festival Director: Dimitri Haleas
Philoptochos President: Eleni Sakoufakis
Sunday School Director: Chricy Pantazis
Youth and Athletic Director: Juande Lara